Christopher Miller *Hall of Fame*

Chris was the person responsible for restarting the LMU Hockey team in 2006. He served as team president then (2006) and two years when he came back for his MBA (2008/09 and 2009/10). He served as captain his final two seasons as well (2008/09 and 2009/10) and won the award named after himself those two years as well. Chris’s vision for hockey at LMU came true his senior year and he knew he had to come back to get his Masters to continue to see it grow for himself. This program would most likely not exist if not for Chris Miller. He will be missed.

Chris was elected into the LMU Hockey Hall of Fame’s Inaugural Class in 2016 as a “Founder”

Year Graduated 2010
Years Played 4
Major Business (06) MBA (10)
Current City Los Angeles, CA